La Primitiva jackpot stands at € 16.5 million
On 11 October there was a La Primitiva lottery numbers that come up are: 5-8-30-34-39-41 and bonus numbers are 1-0. No one took the jackpot but 3 were three players correctly guessed 5 numbers + bonus number and they took a total of €88,300.67 and there are more 147 players correctly guessed 5 numbers and took a total of €3904.45.
On October 16 there will be a lottery and the fund will amount to €16.5 million.
When you purchase a ticket La Primitiva where the money goes ?
The National Lottery was created as a way for the Spanish State to raise funds for health, culture, and sports, with a percentage of all lottery sales being used to finance such things. Today there are special draws that are held to raise money for particular projects. Examples of these are draws that were organized to assist the Spanish Association against Cancer, the Red Cross and Murcia 2001.
The National Lottery designates a good percentage of money raised from ticket sales to improve roads, construct new hospitals and develop campaigns against various forms of discrimination. General culture is also supported, and lottery tickets are usually illustrated with different designs that reflect this fact, with themes relating to literature, science and history.
What is a “special draw”, and can you provide some examples ?
Answer: A special draw is a lottery draw that is tied in with a specific event or special occasion, such as Saint Valentine’s Day. Special draws tend to attract a lot of interest from players, so prize funds are often much bigger than usual. Some special draws, such as El Gordo de Navidad (Christmas fat one) are played internationally. Other examples of special draws are: El Niño (commemorating the birth of Jesus), Niños de San Ildefonso (to raise funds to help Saint Ildefonso School) and Cruz Roja (to support the Red Cross).
So when you play a ticket of La Primitiva remember that you are helping and contributing to the community you are invited to the table of comparison and purchase online lottery ticket.
Good luck everyone !!!